Producing Cyprus Wine, M. Antoniades Winery Ltd, Cyprus - Limassol

M. Antoniades Winery - guestbook

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Number of entries: 197 Number of pages: 20
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Name: Yenica and Benedikt
From: Spain and Germany
E-mail: Contact
Abseits von der Straße führte plötzlich eine Auffahrt zum Weingut hinauf. Der Winzer selbst hat uns willkommen geheißen und herumgeführt. Eine schöne und interessante kleine Tour durch das Haus und die jahrhunderte alte Familientradition des Weinbaus. Zum Abschluss noch leckere Weine probiert und ein paar Flaschen gekauft. Sehr schön, sehr nett und nur zu empfehlen!!! Vielen Dank!
Added: May 23, 2017 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Татьяна
From: Росиия
E-mail: Contact
Добрый День, друзья, путешествуя по Кипру мы совершенно случайно, нашли эту винодельню, надо сказать что нам открыли дверь, все рассказали, показали, и угостили вином. Очень душевный хозяин.
Added: May 21, 2017 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: lance + Sue
From: England
E-mail: Contact
Dear Mr Antoniades
Thank you so much for taking the time to show us around your Winery, the tour was extremely interesting and informative. It was appreciated that you took the time with us to have a more personnel tour, rather than just having a tasting and get shown around the wine shop that some larger winery's do!! The wine tasting was excellent, we have already tried the red wine and its delightful. looking forward to trying the rest
Kind Regards
Sue + Lance
Added: May 16, 2017 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Αννιτα Δημητριου
Εξαιρετικο οινοποιειο,πολ υ φιλοξενοι ιδιοκτητες
Added: February 28, 2017 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Александр
From: Россия, Москва
E-mail: Contact
Всем привет! Заранее прошу прощения у владельцев винодельни, что так поздно пишу отзыв. Это - самая душевная контора которая есть на Кипре. Вы можете съездить в любое другое место, где делают домашнее вино, но такого отношения, такой гостеприимн ости (и 20 кошек) вы не увидите более нигде
Все сюда

Alex, date of visit 22 of Nov, 2016. Thank you, your wine is great!
Added: December 10, 2016 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Andrey
From: Russia, Siberia
E-mail: Contact
Привет! Были здесь ровно год назад, очень здорово встретили хозяева, замечательн ое вино!

Thank you!
Added: September 15, 2016 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Joy and Chris
From: England
E-mail: Contact
Just visited the winery. Absolutely delightful! Very welcoming and really good tasting wine. Would recommend following the sign and taking the long country road- you won't be disappointed.
Added: September 10, 2016 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Nadezda
From: Moscow
E-mail: Contact
Мы с мамой были в этом чудесном месте проездом 06.09.2016г. Очень живописное место, прекрасная хозяйка, которая показала нам свои владения.Вку сное вино. Спасибо Вам, что Вы есть. Желаем процветания Вашему семейному делу.
Added: September 6, 2016 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Sheila Barthelemy
From: United State
E-mail: Contact
My husband and I, we were on vacation at Pedhoulas
and went to visit M.Antoniades Winery, we were very please with the place and the owner. He really know his wine and history behind the wine,thank you so much for a great time. the wine we bought was very rich and smell amazing and taste amazing.
Added: September 2, 2016 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Billy Kane
From: Northern Ireland
E-mail: Contact
Sorry we missed you Marios but we were made very welcome by your lovely wife whom I last met in 2010. As always your wines are fantastic. The Nama is my favorite and we will toast both of you tonight all the way from N. Ireland. . Thank you once again and see you next year.
Added: August 14, 2016 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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